Monday, July 05, 2010

All in a stack

Finished some plain totes for a friend.
Somebody came back from Russia and gave ne this matryoska or nested Russian dolls. Love it!

The smallest one peeking out..

Bought some Japanese prints those little kimono ladies! Matryoska is also a favorite among Japanese kawaii prints but so far I haven't found one yet. Maybe soon.. Kawaii literally mean 'adorable' or 'adorable', or cute in Japanese.
Would love to collect kawaii prints and Japanese linens!

1 comment:

MyBotanG said...

I know what you mean about the kawaii prints here in Japan.. they are trully obsessed with everything 'cute'.. they even adore kawaii = jambu type guys.. heheheheh

I have some japanese prints over @ my blog.. come over if you have the time..